I am a woman who will speak the raw truth in everyday life situations.

I am not afraid to dig through the difficult parts of life and break them apart to find the treasure and the hope that lies in each circumstance.

I have a deep passion for my family and the people around me. I long to see people living in the freedom that only Christ can give and walking out the hope that is in the grasp of His Hand. I am deeply interested and invested in emotional wholeness, redemption and the freedom to run with Jesus as he reshapes our lives. And I want to do it together – with you. I will always point you to a greater life; a hope that is strong and not wispy, a joy that comes from the belly and not our surroundings.

You will want to visit this blog frequently. It’s a safe place for your soul. There is no judgement here because I believe that love is a much greater way. As the world rages with chaos and judgement and turmoil, you will find a quiet place here where you can hang your hat and learn how to navigate the difficulties of life. You will learn how to find hope in difficult situations, you will learn how to love even the difficult people and you will learn that God reinvents even the beautiful people and it’s okay.

Come, light a candle, lean in and lets learn together. I am so glad to have you here.

If You Like This Blog, You Will LOVE My Books.

I have written and designed three devotional colouring books, “Faith Untangled”, “Unchained”, and “Unwavering”.  You can check them out here.

When you buy any these books, the majority of the money generated by these books goes to support two organisations that are making our world a better place: Tumaini Children’s Home in Kenya and Not4Sale. It is one way that together we extend our love and fresh hope to the people who need it the most. 

You can also get my E-Book “Breathless” for FREE by clicking here

More About Me

I was born in Japan and raised as a Missionary’s daughter. Always knowing that I would continue this legacy, I have been in many ministry settings with my husband over the last thirty six years. They have included speaking and traveling throughout the world, leading a missions team, youth group and leading a church.I have a beautiful family that brings me joy everyday. I have four children and six grandchildren. Spending time with them makes my life sweet.

My hobbies? Writing, painting, creating, anything colour, and bringing hope to those around me in creative ways. You will often see me with sparkles in my hair and colourful jewellery around my neck. I believe in grasping the moment – living life boldly with beauty and love surrounding me.